Piety is not humility

The whole of my life’s encounter with Christianity has always been to a strange form of dualism with piety. It’s like its there as a remain from an earlier christian mindset. From my earliest childhood the public world has unknowingly tried to use that to eradicate the being part of the human in me. The part that will challenge stereotyping. Even today I still recognize it in the collective behaviors of people and officials I encounter. And it is still used as a means of control with its unrealistic undercurrent of christian piety.
It is believed that everyone must follow its regulations because piety is used as a form of passive aggression to any challenge of its content. You have to pay attention and be aware of the morals of its subliminal life, and submit to its pressure of conformity, or you are to be excluded from social life because otherwise you are going to expose people to what they are outside of that piousness. This is something most people don´t really want to know about at all.
To be conditioned by this piety is to be separated from your senses and the reality of your experiences. You will be partly anesthetized. No matter what is actually done to you in the acts of this distorted goodness. You have to conform to an impossible idealism and become what they want you to be to them.
That is why I have always been kind of unsettling to people around me. I am not a mechanical piece in the architecture of official morality. That is a pious morality so abominable that it way surpasses all biblical horrors in the real world.
But still, people really think they are only good because they are pious people. No matter the drama they continuously must create to uphold collective morality in their pious life.