I have never felt comfortable with the concepts of spirit and soul. They have been too limiting and vague for me. My relationship with myself is something much more tangible than that. But if I see them as terms that embody something instead, it becomes easier. All that is spirit in this sense to me becomes the raw psychic experience of something. Soul then becomes the psychic materialization of it. That which gives it form and substance. Something that I, in relation to my inner person, can interact with. Not only as something in myself, but also something that I also encounter in others, as something between us. This in-between then takes on its own meaning as the influence it exerts on everything from there. On the whole nature of which I am a part. From there, it is something we encounter and interact with that is between us, and it in our own way. With our own background and the conditions that our psychological whole conveys to each of us. It interacts with us on its own terms but its influence on us is always personal. Although it is sometimes conveyed as instructions in relation to its own source which is the one we share between us. Most often it is something that only becomes obvious to us in political contexts, and when we are caught by its currents of thought, where our self-regulating and ordering inner totality in its distorted and transferred form of the ego forces its dark influence on others. We forget to relate to and show consideration for others, to do the right thing with individual people in mind, instead of being belligerent and argumentative and blaming others. We are so used to this being the way it should be that we don’t understand our own behavior, or how our relationships could look, feel and develop through our influence on each other. What makes it even more terrifying with each passing day is that even though we are called and challenged to face this within ourselves, individually, we constantly follow people who pushes the ego forward to its outwardly devastating conclusion.