the distinction between the wider notion of what we are and the narrower one

One aspect of the inner absolute core and center of all inner and outer opposites when it is identified with something, is that it transforms to a developing young boy in our relation to this. The wholeness he finds himself in, as a totality and of psychic reflection forms his counterpart there as the psychic nature that when it is dispossessed or replaced, is going to behave as a young girl in her development. She becomes one with all that is constantly in its infancy, with life as a flow of transformations, and with recurrence and spring, with nature that through life as a potentiality emerges in and everywhere around us as a potential. They represent strong emotions and beliefs in our relationships with life. He conveys the self-organizing principle and order that we perceive both as an ability to gain insight, experiential knowledge, and the inner aspect of ourselves in an outer real world that is the natural balance around which we constantly find our true and authentic being. In older Sami tradition, they correspond to our inner female and male aspects. Radiengieddte and his counterpart and sister Radien-niejdda. We find them in other traditions as well, but under other names. They are the ones who in our interior, through the constantly ongoing transformation that we undergo, make us pay attention to our inner parent couple. Where nature and psyche coincide and are experienced as separate but still held together as one and the same thing, if we for some unknown reason have been forced to discover ourselves and what role we have in relation to our psychic or saivo family. It is like meeting oneself as an aspect of all ages and times that have been, with others all the time. Because our relation to this family also holds experience as the undeveloped psychic aspects of our relationship to nature’s own self-organizing center within us, to ecological balance, to climate change, weather. To clean water and air. And not only to its ability to give us direct knowledge and insight. But to Rádienáhttje as the source of our psychic surroundings, and Rádienáhkká as what we carry within us as the one that unites us with nature, the potentiality and power of all psychic and physical growth around us, both as nature and culture.