the Nature of the coniunctio in the old Sami world

Based on a dream I had some time ago, I was presented with its correlation to the alchemical image of the coniunctio. Since then I have also clearly experienced the division that arose within me of the whole which is united by the inner pair that the dream suggested. My vision of the couple in that image and with my inner person as their point of balance that I experienced recently showed me clearly the significance this has for me. But also on a more personal level. The inner totality and its counterpart’s embodiment of its content, Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká, conveyed to us by Radiengieddte and his sister Radienniejdda in the Sami world of the within, is wonderfully shown in an image I later discovered as an extension of my dream. It featured the couple but also with a child connecting them with a cloud hovering above them. The child seemed to be alternately with the inner couple and in the cloud. As an intermediate point of balance to the instructions that come to us from beyond them. Represented by the cloud. Where the cloud appears as the materialization existence has of its potential out of the night sky beyond it. That child in its Sami context is moving the intentions of that beyond as its communication between us and ourselves. This image also conveyed to me the importance of our psychic cultural parents, Máderáhttje and Máttaráhkká, and the importance they hold in a more direct sense, as an embodied extension of my reality of the wholeness they can represent there. If we lack a connection to a more traditional background, it doesn’t exist. We have no way of being able to transform the inner experiences we have of our psychic relationships into our outer life. The relationship between the inner union we see between us and the nature we are a part of, and the wholeness that makes us develop between us and ourselves, with them, and together with others between them and themselves will be missing. We will confuse them with people, ideas and material things as they get lost by transference. I have once been asked if there is any correlation between the images I have seen of the alchemical psychic world and the Sami transformation of what we perceive of our interior in relation to the nature that exists both within and around us. In this sense with my dream, and later with my visions as a basis, that connection arose both vividly and very clearly for me. Nature itself is what turned into a vessel for this. Following this, Máderáhttje and Máttaráhkká then appears as a cultural passage between the objective person within us, from the physical and biological world to the powers of its flip-side, or the psychical reality of Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká as they are mediated to us by our interaction with the doings of Radiengieddte and his sister Radienniejdda as it was shown in the sequence of images in the Rosarium philosophorum, since Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká both appear to me in one and the same person, as both content and as its embodiment and occurrence.. Amazing! So it is never about the ego and how it relates to Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká but about how their influence is experienced through our cultural psychic ancestors Máderáhttje and Máttaráhkká. The ego takes on a subordinate role as one of the parts of the whole of which it is a part, and our objective personality Radiengieddte and his sister Radienniejdda takes on greater significance in our psychic consciousness and how we interact with it. Without them, the ego risk getting stuck in jabme-aimo, wandering aimlessly in a world with the potential that exists in everything, everywhere, together with those we constantly encounter from our past, instead of us actively interacting with them. Our perception becomes distorted by the ego which transforms it into a sublimated type of wholeness. Which is an attribute belonging to Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká as they are pecieved as one and the same being in that psychic sense of a whole.