ruohtta is like an raging bear eating the sun

In Sami there is a psychic being called Ruohtta who when he is aligned with the opinions of others, its absence of a psychic consciousness, and not with the relationship between us and ourselves, turns into its absolute negation. We end up in his world of torment, psychic epidemics and mental contagion. It’s like having been robbed of all life and falling in to an interminable void with nothing in it but intense psychic torture. In the Rosarium philosophorum sequence there is an image of his influence on us. Its the lion eating the sun. We can swap the lion with a bear and place it there and it will be even closer to its workings in many of my dreams. Its impulsivity and forceful nature which when it ovewhelms my psychic reflection and our relation to the greater whole that guides us, is when he puts me in to place as I wander too far from myself. He is like an essence of a raging instinctual energy. Often combined with the wound that emerge from the abscence of what our cultural and psychic parents mediates. But when he is met by us, and we acknowledge the power of his spontaneous and impulsive behavior, he becomes an abettor to our instincts and our ability to have and defend our psychic integrity as the neglected part of the whole of which all potentiality is to become a visualised and materialised part. He becomes a violent force that demands our presence between us and ourselves. Like a raw undisciplined power of a background self-organising psychic principle trying to connect with parts of its creation. But besides the experience we have of the movements of our objective companion and its contrasexual counterpart. Ruohtta appears to us as an intense bringer of death to the sense of belonging to a whole. He brings with him the feeling of having been deprived of all psychic life. A loss of ourself. And if we become identified with him, and constantly occupy ourselves with the concern of what he is to others, we deny ourselves our communication between us and ourselves. We end up in Ruohtta-aimo with them. A bottomless place where there is no sense of individuality. Only a pretend personality who indulge ourselves in our anxieties and its unceasing need to display its concern of it in others, to empty opinions, and a constant reparation for the uneasiness we face all the time because we have a different kind of experience of our connection to what we are in ourselves.