it’s quite easy to lose our grip on reality

I share an aspect of my relationship with myself with all people. Some more than others. It is my way of trying to adapt an inner perceived totality to individual details in a fragmented or factual based psychic reality. It is like trying to push a round ball through a square hole. It just doesn’t work without something being lost, or breaking apart, and becoming a psychic wound. Creating a deformed and formalized nature of personal characteristics. But if I take a step back, and try to figure out how that presence relates to the experience I have of that content as a whole, it works out. It will reveal itself to me by itself. It’s the way I have to deal with it to make it comprehensible to me. Just flood me with facts makes no sense to me. It does not relate to how I experience things in the within of the without. It gets even worse if there are inhibituals that limit our relations in how our inner objective person is allowed to perceive how we should relate to the reality we are a part of. Because we are then prevented from being in the interpersonal psychic space we share with everything around us. My mind will just get lost.