in other words for the same thing in the same sense

At some point we have to come to the place where we have to face all that has been unspoken, deal with it by putting it into words, and give it substance. What is happening to us there is shared by us all, but is often denied by a small academic portion of our mind as part of the collective attitude which emphasize that all knowledge exclusively comes from our education centers and universities, and since that part of us do not go through the experiences that we obtain outside of this context, it believes that neither can anything else. Knowledge based on direct experience of life in a non-conceptualized form does not really exist. But people with a perfectionist approach to life, with the phobias, ideals, and vulnerabilities coming from being filled up with the tension of a one-sided fixation on one end of the opposites we encounter within ourselves, are the ones who just like us will cause the most suffering to others by this exclusion. It is something that we all have within us in relation to our inner person until we meet what has remained unspoken. If someone asks me how I know what I know about this, I have to say I don’t. It was there before I was. We do not know how someone else’s psyche is structured and forms a coherent whole within them. Or how they should make use of it since we cannot experience it for them. It is a relationship between us and ourselves, where we interact with the person within us in the sense of the issues we are set to deal with there, together with the abuses it has been subjected to. Let alone that it is of great societal practical and behavioral importance. It is still a connection that mutually mirrors the relationship between us and that person within us who settles and balances all opposites. The old conceptual Sámi term for this source of a greater cohesive whole within and outside of us is Rádienáhttje. We are a part of it as much as it is something that operates in everything around us. In one aspect it is also the embodied Nature that gives us what we call another perspective. Which is the psychic form we use to adapt to the aggregated experiences we call our within. Or in the concept of traditional Sámi, Rádienáhkká. In other words. Admission to one and other is soul. Interpretation is the ego’s interaction with our inner person. Its axis or world pillar.