It is a feeling of the relationship with nature turned inside out, as when I am embraced by it and discover that I am the one being witnessed. By places, trees, the wind, fallow deer’s and birds, everything around me that I am exposed to. And on top of that, the faces that I am expected to reflect outwardly in the roles that our social convention follows, and whose clichéd and perfunctory formality that has been introjected by force and which has instead turned into a limiting body of control to our inner beingness, and a gatekeeper with perfectionist ideals that do not accept our within for what it is, but instead constantly judge it based on how it should be, and what we can allow ourself to express of our psychic life behind its cultivated ideals. But behind it is our personal experiences of different psychic energies that powerfully interact through us and with people around us, they show us who it is that works us from within, together with nature itself which in all its parts seeks and witnesses us. These different faces function as a balance, a shifting traditional conduct turned inside out, which our unspoken social rules constantly try to regulate and decide which of them that can be used, and which of them are forbidden and we are not allowed to express. They act as custodians to our instincts and express the psychic reality that otherwise independently of us exerts its influence on us apart from who we think we are. As when we try to live up to what others’ relationship is to them.