I have always tried to find the vessel that is created for our psychic properties in my relationships with others with whom we alternately interact with simultaneously between us and others within ourselves. When such a vessel did not arose, there was no embodied relation to them, but I still remained there and participated in it dispite of that, and still had this connection between my inner person and the creative transcendent function that arises as a union of our opposites in the conversation we have there as our psychic reflection, and between the person within us and the function of the inner objective center. It is about our way of being towards others and towards life, its own inner teaching and not an attitude that we force people around us to confront and submit to. I learned early that this communication was not a given in my relations. But I found it natural to find one end of the opposites that revolve around our inner person to be complementary to those I found in others, so that an embodiment of the energy behind their various masks could have an outlet for us to interact with in the vessel we created for them. I learned a lot about our inner opposites and the energy they contained within us then. However, it took a long time to accept that others cannot, or will not, resume this conversation between us in our relationship to this objective source within us. What remained were mostly just references to collective thoughts and opinions with no personal connection to them, and this I felt was short-circuited because there was no embodied content behind them to relate to. Often also associated with a taste of bitterness, of missing out, or feel excluded if someone in there could not feel complicity because of the broken relationship they had between them and their inner person in its communication with it as a union of opposites. Because they will often accuse those around them of constantly satisfying their neglected needs for self-affirmation as they search for this type of embodiment of our psychic qualities. That provocation still occurs around me today, and its reality is most often an attempt to come to terms with the experience they have of not being in touch with their own inner person and its communication with it. So they feel compelled to disrupt or sever this connection between others in order for them to expel what they once abandoned within themselves. The compulsive aggressiveness of it often shocked me and broke my own communication with myself when I wasn’t aware of it. Which of course was the purpose of it. And it also developed a kind of constant awareness that kept me alert to its outbursts. It developed a kind of very destuctive self defensive function in me. Which turned into an obstacle to participate in my own communication with myself. Distorting it. These days it shows more of what is going on behind these eruptions for me, as its natural energy is to balance us and re-establish the relationship we must have with our creative transcendental function as a center of our inner life and as our sense of it as the greater whole in which we find ourselves.