the pictorial and symbolic mind of streaming thoughts

Psychic reflection conceptualize, and separate psyche from its components as a totality out of how that experience has been configured in a personal sense. But the personal impression in this sense is always a part of the absolute totality it refers to. Psyche pictured and conceptualized is an object or figure defining that whole of which it is a part. That wholeness is the Great grand Father. The sky, or Radienattje in the old Sami world of concepts. Whose notion is personally perceived by Raediengiedte, the inner companion and messenger. Psyche as a referral, the goings on, and its embodiment that also makes itself a component of the flow it processes is the Great grand Mother, the eternal return, the earth or Radienakka. Personally experienced as a counterpart to Raediengiedte in Radien-niejta/Saivo-niejta. Together they constitute a vessel that is everywhere. Both personal and impersonal. That inside of us that has always been experienced as the inside of the outside. Where the personal nature of our experiences, of our within, houses natural life as psychic life. Formulated by a timeless system of energy and power in itself, to make us grasp its greater continuity. We may believe that we are everything that appears in our mind, and go from there, and we can see it as psychic objects, as influences that come to us from beyond our ego, which is from where they spontaneously seem to originate independently of how we choose to conceptualize its content and energy.