The transpersonal psychic qualities behind our inner parents

There is a kind of open conflict within us between the collective voice and the directions we get and refer to from within. On the one hand, they arise in our inner parent figures because when they are seen through our physical parents, they are characterized by how they mediated the collective approach they had to life. But behind them is also our raw psychic reality.  Its messages as they are supplied to us individually beyond the ego, and which is what creates the perceptions that somehow already exist within us. They are also the transpersonal experiences we have of the powers that we relate to beyond them. When it arises from our dichotomy and opens us up to an intersubjective and complementary approach to the collective mindset, we also see that our parent figures lead us beyond this to a deeper understanding of the psychic processes we are involved in. And to the background of which they are a part that in itself determines the structure our parents where also trying to come to terms with. Through this we get a different way of relating to life as a whole in contrast to the fragmentation a one-sided collective relates to. For some reason, much older traditional and animistic motifs spontaneously appear here in both our dreams, in our imaginations and daily visions. All of which both transforms, and renews our way of looking at the life in which we are  involved. In Sami, these parent figures who connects us beyond our physical parents are called Maderattje and Maderakka.