without us noticing it, we get ensouled between all opposites

Rádien-Niejta, the counterpart of Rádiengieddte who is conceptualized in Sami as the male psychic nature within us, is how we come to choose to interpret our presence of mind and instinctive ways, and the one who determines how we choose to listen to our inner person and face the opposites that always dominate the events both within and around us without being drawn into them, at the same time she also move us into the direction of the wholeness that exists beyond them in its non-conceptualized form, thus supporting the constant inner conversation that goes on between Rádiengieddte and her in their relationship. But also to the one between her and the essence of insight that she opens up to our inner person that connects him to the old voice that emerges between all opposites. If she only gets her existence through an external woman, then that woman becomes the one who gets to mediate that relationship to our inner source, or Rádienáhttje, to the relationship we have between our inner person and the reality of that source within ourselves. She then becomes the outer relation of our connection to an inner perspective and primordial wholeness whose directions also guides our inner person there through her. Like a wise old man, this wholeness acts and leads, inspired by his daughter. Not unexpectedly, we also live out this relationship that once arose within us, but first transferred to our external relationships, before we discover its psychic reality as something that exists within us as this relationship we have between us and ourselves with her. We experience it most clearly as the substance we are constantly trying to find in our relationships. In this sense, Radien-niejta is also experienced as a twofold psychic influence. At one end she is the daughter of the sun. Its warmth, the growth of life and the return of light. At the other end she is Saivu-niejta and how we constantly switch between the within and the without. She is the one we must pay attention to in order to gain access both to ourselves and others and to be able to see through all the opposites our ego entangles itself in as she brings us into the world as an underlying psychic phenomenon.