the youthful transcendence of emotional innocence to a mature sense of wholeness

At some point on our life’s path, the psychic innocence of Rádien Niejta must meet the experience and maturity of Máttaráhkká. They must collide in order for our psychic experiences to be realized, develop and grow. So that a balance between innocent curiosity and discovery can be integrated with maturity, and form a cohesive sense of security and wholeness. It is with them we transcend practical life and find something deeper within ourselves where we explore our relationship with innocence, growth, and wisdom altogether, encompassing the duality, and making a shift from the youthful innocence of Rádien Niejta to a more complex and authentic maturity in the cultural expression of Máttaráhkká, where they coexist within us without shame as they interact with each other. They are offering us a pathway to a more cohesive and integrated self-awareness. Where living experience and self-reflecting awareness highlights the many different aspects of their duality at work in our personality. They guide us towards a different understanding of the risks and vulnerabilities inherent in it as we dare to face and explore their meaning for us and we accompany them in our relationship with them in our life. Rádien Niejta is in this sense our own personally experienced part of that wholeness Máttaráhkká relates us to and we impatiently embody as her presence in everything, everywhere. There is of course a resemblance here with the Greek story of Demeter and her daughter. But in sami, Persephone more likely corresponds to the frightening part of a duality with Jahbmeáhkká as the dark undeveloped mother of the underworld. And the cultural mother of embodied psychic maturity, the experience of wholeness in Máttaráhkká, her opposite. Demeters daughter in turn also appears in Sami as a duality in comparison with the Greek story. In her immature state as Saivo Niejta, she has no real individuality, and as Rádien Niejta she is the innocent evolving explorer of psychic life, but they both act alternately on our experiences as we embody the emotional impressions they make on us. If we do not pay attention to their influence, it will create a frustrating psychic deficit within us whose immaturity only intellectualizes our inner reality without confronting us with the necessary experience its content also makes available to us in our relationships with others, regardless of whether we are male or female. Their integral relationship to all that we relate to conveys a heightened sense of closeness that they create for us between them. But both our inner person, Rádiengiedte, and his counterpart/sister Rádien Niejta will also in open resistance turn into rebels as long as Máttaráhkká and Máderáhttje are confused with our physical parents.