the nature of our life reflect how close we are to the principles inherent in it

Honesty, closeness, acknowledgement, trust. The pillars of our basic human needs. Everyone has them. It doesn’t matter what opinions we have about them. They are just a convinience. A way of maintaining a superficial jargon to protect our woundings, which blinds us from the essence of our human reality. Because how we are affected and assimilated by our basic needs will also determine our ability to genuinely relate to each other with the behavior we and everyone else possess at the core of all our relationships. It is what we are. Opinions not based on our basic human needs are just complete shit. An excuse to not have to deal with ourselves and grow in our relation to our psychic consciousness. To accept ourselves, our tensions, this charged air we breathe, the fragility, the emotional outbursts, the defensive wit. All this touchiness and its background wounds. Its fears and the lack of feeling grounded in our humanity that tears us apart from the inside. There are no exceptions. This is what we all are. Medication may postpone it, put us on hold, but it will not do it for us. The only thing that help is to dare it, and rebuild our relation to what they are to us in a safe vessel. Which is provided by the ground of our being, by Nature, and together with someone or people around us who honestly respect it. So that it can safely grow by itself without the interruption of others’ need to come between who we are and the inner counterpart who shows us the way through psychic reflection.