purusha the cosmic being, paramatman and prakrti in Sami terms

As it works on us from within, I couldn’t resist mixing two different traditions with similar experiences together because I thought mine was like the two in one. Both also require something beyond our rational logic and aim for something deeper within both ourselves and the nature we share with everything around us. One of them formulated in words. The other purely from experience. As we realize them in people, objects and ideas around us, they both, in this sense also make us animistic.
The animating causes, fields, and principles of nature where once Rádienáhttje in Sami psychic life. This reflection also referred to Rádienáhkká as the soul of the universe, with Saivo Niejta as her unknown individual potential, and Rádien Niejta her evolving individual essence. Rádienáhttje conceptualized the universal spirit present everywhere, in everything and everyone, all the time. He is also the Universal Principle that is eternal, indestructible, without form, and all-pervasive. It is Rádienáhttje in the form of nature’s laws and principles that operate in the background to regulate, guide, and direct change, evolution, cause, and effect. It is Rádienáhkká, in the Sami concept of existence, that breathes life into matter. Who includes all the cognitive, moral, psychological, emotional, sensorial and physical aspects of reality in one original or primary substance. The absolute embodiment of all there is that all individual vessels consist of as its psychic essence, while Rádienáhttje is the source and center from which all consciousness emerge, and the one that creates oneness in all life forms as the individual Self, and as Raediengiedte in all of humanity, who is the essence of the supreme Self Rádienáhttje. Each individual self, or Raediengiedte is a potential of Rádienáhttje according to the old Sami mindset. It is by Rádienáhttje why the universe operates, is dynamic and evolves, as against being static. Which is what happens to our mind when we do not return back to our childhood from adulthood with a matured being. It only remains as a fragile reference to the individual Self by the ego because of its binding karmic limitations, until such time as those limitations are removed and we find our path beyond Máderáhttje and Máttaráhkká. This individual realisation, and the union of Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká represented the ultimate point of this timeless path of spiritual development. Where nature and mind are considered to be one regardless of how we prefer to reference our experience of them. It is here that they are overlapped by words which distort them if we abandon our primordial experiences for their concretizations.