multiplicity of parts is a normal, healthy human experience

Without an independent relationship between our inner family and our biological, if they are not separate, they instead make us compulsively dependent on staging our historical relationships with them in a covert manner so that they will constantly form the background that drives the content of how we relate to them in our relationships in the future. There will be no now. No present and coherent sense of awareness and any equanimity of the self in the present moment. We will have a cognitive distorted picture of our human reality. Because they will become that reality in a covert way. We will only allow the content of our biographical family ties to continue to mould our primordial inner parent relationships in an undisclosed collective context, so that we can reconcile their intrinsic ways and behavior with those of others between us and them. I have long distanced myself from this ever-present influence of an inner emotional merger of them, because it leads us away not only from all our other human psychic properties but also to what is beyond them of the shared psychic content that is not universally recognized or accepted. At the same time it also allows us to see it in others as they disapear from our now, into their biographical history or into an unknown future where new constellations of the historically conditioned family can re-emerge and determine what it should look like, with the historical biographical family as a limiting factor to guide and order its inner behavior. The original function of our inner family is never allowed to operate in its proper inner psychic context. So we never get any real access to either their meaning in relation to our chaordic center, or to the embodied psychic vessel that in them relates us to an outer greater whole that also encloses it as part of the nature that surrounds us. More often than not, they don’t come to function as the important cultural expressions they are meant to be for them. There is no spiritual recognition of their influence on us because the ability to cognitively perceive our deeper psychic functions has been overridden by our biographical material and then distorted. From an inner psychic or traditional spiritual standpoint, we have not undergone and embraced the mental maturation process involved in order for us to perceive their true inner reality to us. Therefore, I believe there is great value in reconnecting with our inner psychic roots, which in older Sami tradition was referred to as our Sáivu family. It was the family that particularly gifted nåaidis could connect to, support and re-incorporate into its proper meditative psychic context when the need arose in the group or in individual Sami. Above all in those who were apprenticed to a noaidi. Therefore, those ignorant of this imagined that by having this knowledge-based experience, the noadis could also hold on to and connect with many Sáivu families in a litteral sense and even exchange them with others. Whereas in fact they operated through the inner family we share with everyone around us regardless of the biographical material that obscures our ability to distinguish our Sáivu family from our biological family. It is a slow, long-drawn-out and extremely arduous process to go through, which confronts us with constant moral conflicts with ourselves where the authenticity of our psychic wholeness and its inner balance is ceaselessly tested in its practical relation to our surroundings, it’s a path that initially came damn close to destroying me.