it is through this mysterious power that we too have our being

One of the most decisive events early in our lives is when we leave the identification with the larger coherent whole, Rádienáhttje, of which we psychically experience everything as a part, without it being noticed or given the meaning it has as the content its background is in the relation we have to it in a psychic sense. In the worst case, we lose contact with the communication we have between us and ourselves. With it as the psychic consciousness on which the relationship to everything around us rests. We can experience the results of this in and around us all the time. As we try to recreate it in different ways in our outer life without it getting the psychic content we are trying to recreate there. The physical attributes of that background are our embodied experience of its nature through Rádienáhkká. Transformed into something tangible. And a relationship we have with everything as when we reflect it in a psychic sense. When it has been lost and suppressed for a long time, that relationship appears in a distorted form. As individual demands for a rigid order in our lives for which we create artificial contexts, both for ourselves but also through demands that we impose on others in our environment. All political views and opinions in our society rest more or less on this distorted and misguided foundation. Of mediocrity and universal values without contact with our inner objective counterpart. The loss we have made cannot be compensated for in this way. With a pretended personality without psychic roots in the whole we dwell in as the Nature we embody and are a physical part of. No knowledge in an external sense can replace the direct experience we must have and relate to of this totality in order for us not to end up in the inner conflict that we hideously allow to be reflected in our outer lives. I think all people with any connection to an older traditional background know how important this is. Something our modern societies know very little or nothing about. Which causes people to suffer, and traditional societies to fall apart from within.