It is indeed a terrible thing to be entirely under the authority of Jahbmeáhkká, and to constantly repeat the same biographical material which formed the terms of our earliest relations. To be in a constant chaotic separation of dependencies, shortcomings and impersonal demands that can never be satisfied under her spell without any relation to its psychological reality. Jahbmeáhkká is the unknown dark side of Máttaráhkká and the one that causes us to constantly kneading the same psychic material and withdraw from those around us. She becomes a relation to what this does to us and belongs to our interpersonal relationships. Nor do we pay attention to her relationship to nature as the one that interact with us from it. The one who makes our within palpable in a bodily sense, and in relation to everything around us together with others in an external cultural sense. It is she who bewitches us, who makes us withdraw, away from ourselves to live numbed by her in psychic absence. Ruohtta is her male underground counterpart and Máderáhttje’s dark side spreading his own psychic contagion around us with his inner void where no life can exist. He is the unknown or repressed sense of the cultural expression of the person within us. The one that has not gone through his second birth yet. But is still trapped in his own inner desolation. Which in his vulnerability and fears drives us crazy.