all things and all people are interconnected

The psychological representative of the father in a cultural sense, like the Sami Máderáhttje, is our relation to the stream of consciousness. The mother in this sense, Máttaráhkkáh, is our biological relation to its non-material psychic undercurrents. When we have worked our way through the relationships we have with them, we will realize that they only functioned as intermediaries for our inner person and the place from where we interact with the stream of the collectives consciousness, the superego, and with some of the upper layers of its psychic undercurrents. But we must always count on the power of what works in the deeper layers as they are inaccessible to us, but affects us most profoundly. The patterns they create when they interact with us appear in our mind and guide our imagination, our perceptions, our thinking and feeling. By imagination I refer to how they independently of us make make us interpret, illustrate and translate pure experience into language and form, into something tangible for our physical person. Something they do of themselves as well. Making consciousness and its undercurrents an interconnectedness of all things and beings and a connection of our minds. The Sami expression meacci refers to the practical experiences of this kind. When we perceive the ego as something other than just being absorbed and polluted by a multitude of itself.