in transformation of old patterns and beliefs

It is a protracted process behind my current mental state. A kind of internal change of my focus. A shift from the intermingling of concept-forming symbolic impressions and their coexistence with external sensations. To truly trust the compassion and fundamental scope it has in its sense of an all-encompassing natural embodiment of a here and now with its inner spiritual or chaordic center as its guiding principle. But it’s so difficult to just let go. To just let it happen. Although it is not unknown psychic experiences that appear in opposition to the conventionally constructed person in its compromise, to the deeply human within us all that has grown so much in importance within me and now become so insistent and acutely intrusive. I can feel it in my whole body. A restlessness and inner feeling of restrained excitement and nervousness in anticipation. I know I have to give up my current attitude. Surrender to the fundamental vessel of equanimity and the union it has with natures own inherent source of self-organization. They must be allowed to exist without my interference and be allowed to be expressed through my inner parents based on their own inherent psychological conditions and prerequisites. Since they are important in their roles as the cultural expression of manifest inspiration, for our spirit, and psyche as vessels, or soul of it not only for ourselves but for others as well in the consciousness of the greater psychic extent of being. At best, I know I can only be a mouthpiece for them. It is like being at the end of a road, and in a critical inner shift of my mental focus. I hope that eventually I can trust the inner peace it brings and give in to it. Become a vessel for the compassion and perspective it is to be in the psychic realm of true equanimity.

In this state I took my usual daily walk in the forest in the morning with my dogs. It is a mild dewy and completely still morning. The meadows are lit by the morning sun and filled with flowering clover, yarrow and chamomile. My unified state with my surroundings is suddenly interrupted by something making its way onto the dirt road in front of me. At first I don’t see what it is. I hold the dogs in and discover that it is a buzzard. At first I think it’s somehow wounded and attach the dogs so I can examine it alone. It tries to crouch to be as hidden as it can from me in the grass by the side of the road. I carefully take it out and examine its wings, legs and body. It has no wounds but looks very stressed up and is panting. I checked out its wings and they were ok. Then I gather the wings again so that they lie naturally along the body of it. Then it gets up and jumps away in short flights with outstretched wings again. I now also meet one of our neighbors from the farm next door who had been taking care of the grazing domestic animals, and I now learn that several buzzards have been seen around their henhouse early in the morning. Relieved, we see it at the same time take to its flight because it was not injured but rather completely exhausted after its fight with the chickens. I didn’t stay long enough to find out how the chickens were doing. But I couldn’t help but see the whole situation as an external event with an internal meaning. As my own inner state in its psychic union with the outer morning related directly to all the anomalous events around me through their own unique significance. So I searched for information on the symbolic meaning of the buzzard. The meeting of nature with domesticated life together and in tension within the larger sense of a perceived psychic whole.

Here the general aspects of its symbolism.

“The buzzard symbolizes purification and transformation. Its presence reminds us to release what no longer serves us, allowing space for growth and rebirth. As a scavenger bird, the buzzard teaches us the necessity of letting go of negativity, toxic relationships, and outdated beliefs. It encourages us to cleanse our lives, both physically and spiritually, to create space for new opportunities and experiences.

The spiritual meaning of the buzzard resonates with the importance of embracing change and adapting to new circumstances.

Furthermore, the buzzard embodies intuition and heightened perception. With its keen eyesight and ability to soar high in the sky, this bird reminds us to trust our instincts and tap into our inner wisdom. It serves as a guide, encouraging us to listen to our inner voice and rely on our intuitive abilities to navigate life’s challenges. The buzzard reminds us to rise above earthly matters and view life’s circumstances with a spiritual lens. Throughout history, the buzzard has been seen as a sacred messenger between the physical and spiritual realms. Its appearance serves as a reminder to pay attention to the signs and omens present in our lives.”

I know from my own experience that such coincidences are common in our personal lives in relation to people and events around us. Which creates change and renewed psychological content. But here it is taken a step further. Far beyond that.

To elaborate on this further, into a larger experiential, and purely psychic realm of experiences, it is possible to perceive seemingly independent natural events as connected through an inner synthesis that arose from nature’s own self-organizing inner center to create and correct individual parts and aspects of it by external processes in their interdependencies of the whole. Everything is in this way an embodied and biochemical part of the information whose psychic processes permeate all life. Which we can perceive and participate in in a meditative way through psychic reflection and observation of the chains of events we see in the realization of the greater whole. As something that exists and operates behind all biological life. In all its variety, and which is nevertheless experienced in a psychological context, governed by the inner order that constantly emerges from their own underlying relationships. Just as it also governs our personal relationships when it conveys a new inner psychic perspective on the roles and attitudes we have adopted in them. Most often this psychic challenge is not followed up with the insight we need to understand them. So unfortunately, we have a long way to go before we can consciously accept and adopt a psychic perspective on life that takes into account our human maturity in a way that allows us to unite behind it, and really in a present way participate in a conscious relationship with nature and our surrounding world.