absence do not trancend duality

If we completely ignore, withdraw or omit our interaction with our external world and imagine it as non-existent, as not part of our life, there would be no difference between us and anyone else in that original psychic world from which everything evolves, and which we will still embody. We may temporarily cease all opposites that we encounter in that conflict between the world and its within, and we may come to some sort of settlement with it because we do not find that we are related to what it want from us. What their original intentions are. But then we become too narrowed down to our ego, to our impulses, instincts, stream of thoughts and whatever ideals we make of them as they act on us and we are imagined by them, and we become nothing else. There is no world. Or real person yet that articulates the confrontation it has with what it encounters there. Only this original psychic content that is also the coherent whole that unites everything that arises from it, and then becomes the world we create from our relationship to how it is put in context. But it is never in itself the dualistic approach we have to it. It is what we make of it. That is our world.