a wandering in the psychic cycles of successive existence and cyclic change

It doesn’t matter where in time we were rejected from ourselves. By whom or which. As long as we continue with it in our lives and reintroduce it, it will always remain as something we are personally compelled to deal with, and make others have to too. In this way, our psychic discomfort, our anxieties and sufferings are no longer perceived as ours alone, as arising from our own life experiences, but as something else. Something we have to face emerging from elsewhere. We mostly observe it in its transferred form by identifying with what this is in others around us, in our outside world. Here we find our own inherited and unresolved interpersonal content reflected back on us as something we carry within us from many generations of descendants down to ourselves, as that within them which they could not allow themselves to come to terms with, or were forced to omit within them, which we must now face as something imposed upon us as a way towards both our own and their inner psychic reconciliation with what it is within ourselves. We can call it transmigration, or soul migration, when the same type of psychic processes recur in the same way over several generations. As if it is the same inner person that mediates its connection to nature’s own inner self-regulating union of opposites, disguised by the time it relates to, and its relation to being which is trying to come to terms with the relationship it has to the same inner conditions over and over again, and which has been passed down to us from our parents and theirs, in countless generations far back in psychic time based on the original events that once forced them to abandon it. It is still the same original being within us, and it is in this way that we have an inherited way of communicating with them based on the same underlying psychic structure that we carry within us, that all of them originally had before us as well. Alternatively, it can also be experienced as if it were a certain person whose inherited characteristics are recognized and perceived to have returned again to help both us and others when we are in psychological distress, so that we can reconnect and speak with the psychic properties and values ​​that this inner person was once forced to abandon. Because this connection can never be broken. We can aimlessly be drifting around, wandering around in our minds, and it can be abandoned and suppressed, but it does not cease to exist or disappear. Our psyche and its undercurrents are always there, until it finds the right frame of mind to reestablish itself again anywhere in time. And that will be a path that is given to all of us. If we are not driven completely out of our minds by our restless attempts to control the primeval psychic envoy’s that act upon us from within beyond the confines of our conventional reason.