We can have any opinions about others and what others do as one without it ever changing anything. No opinions we have about the past will change anyone or anything here and now. Likewise, we also do not change anything with our opinions about anything in the future with them. No opinion ever changes anything in the present, in what is happening here and now. The only thing they do is that they constantly create more and more opinions that constantly divide the present anew into what was and what may be conceivable as its future, but nothing ever changes here and now because we do not change. Having opinions do not change us or what was or what will be. Which should have been obvious to us a long long time ago. Our individual part in suffering this seem to be about learning to see the difference within us. And understand that there is a place within us that our opinions do not reach, and that we are governed by a different kind of reflective principle where we are judged and suffer for the opinions we hold in its stead there.