they are our advisors who share their inner wealth as psychic realities as we transcends them

It is clear to us all that our psychosocial formation of society, if such a thing exists today, is completely missing our original contact with our inner parental figures. With our inner mother figure as the psychic container she is as the maintainer of our inner sense of cultural belonging, its distorted social conventions, and our collectively cohesive codes of conduct. Our inner father functions is missing in the same sense as the one who gives us a cultural form of communication with our inner person and inspiration that instructs and guides us, and makes us mature from within. Which is the background of insightful knowledge we obtain from the center of psychic life itself. When he is not actively present in some form, we lose our relationship to the origin of our being and the guidance he is to our inner person in his relationship to our inner inspirational center as it interacts with us in public life. He is the one who is the form that relate us to that which is the collective body of knowledge, our collective consciousness. But as long as we do not have a conscious form for our relationship with them, we identify with what our parental forms convey to us. We tend to become fanatics, purists and dogmatic fundamentalists. Since we only make parts of the consciousness they make available acceptable to us, and her into a container of conventional behavior as opposed to the morality already within us, which we then set against the unwanted qualities we have. This in turn will create a conflict within us and with those experiences others have of them. A conflict that will confuse our inner sibling pair in their efforts to transcend them, and coming into direct contact with the primordial sources that are the origin of our conscious content beyond our inner parent figures. We will suppress it in others and even diminish its importance in order to emphasize our own identification with them and a single form of reference to him. Without being aware of it, we will expose our surroundings to our own psychological confinement of them, and transfer that identification of our parental figures on to others. Which when they try to liberate themselves from their own inner parent couple will do it against real persons, but in a significantly more divisive way for a conventional environment, often with constrictions without any deeper human individual considerations of their psychic reality. That is why we see both ourselves and people around us completely preoccupied with social etiquette, the right way to be and behave, identified with the content of the public and collective consciousness in its intellectual and rhetorical sense, and not in a direct inner communication with the parental figures which constitute their form and a psychic attitude to us in their direct meaning to us so long as we are not mature enough to understand their actual psychic influence on us. That’s also why traditional forms of them are so important. Their forms and our temporal limitations of them allow us to transcend their cultural and temporal restraints and find them in the larger psychic context in which they belong.