When I am centered, I have against my inner background and psychic sphere, an inner quaternity in which a pair of siblings consisting of the person within me and his sister functions as a vessel for the psychic energy that act within us. He personifies my inspiration, the energy he is a vehicle for in his relation to its original source, in Sami Rádienáhttje, after it has been brought forward to his sister and counterpart as the function she has for the psychic content his energy conveys. She personifies the relationship between our inner background in which we are centered, the personal stillness we find there, and the experience of it as an inner whole which she is bringing back to nature itself, or Rádienáhkká, as the larger vessel and embodiment it is of the raw processes that she transforms into experiences. My inner parental figures, Máderáhttje and Máttaráhkká, in their cultural and conditioned roles, when unconscious, hijack the natural connection that exists between the parties within us. It creates a perpetually unsatisfied psychic disturbance of disjointed sensations that is uncentered and diverts that attention away from its original sources. At the same time, the psyche as a container for them loses its relationship to the experiences that shapes our connection to this content. I believe this is the root of our inner restlessness. Our inner persons cannot transcend our cultural and temporal limitations. To be able to assist and function in the psychic primordial environment they belong in. The content of the centered stillness that constitutes the space where our sensations are often staged, then becomes a jumble of the underlying forces and functions that act on us from there, caused by the fact that our inner persons are still identified with the functionality of our parental figures for the outlet of the psychic energy they contain that conveys what we call inspiration, which is then not led back to its original sources, but ends up everywhere and nowhere, without being realized as the reality their influence has on us. This is of course extremely challenging in an idolizing, authoritarian and oppressive psychological environment. Which is usually fueled by a condescending attitude and a habitually belittling manner towards other people and the human dignity such an environment suppresses “for the good of all”.