in silence it is possible to describe the original whole we have within us

In the stillness and peace of mind we experience in the greater whole that in the old Sami conceptual world is encompassed by Rádienáhkká, with Radienahttje as the omnipresent entity at its center, all whims, all impressions, and all sudden sensations become the living psychic content that in itself themselves and for their own intrinsic reasons exert their influence on us. We experience them as the personality traits we attribute to ourselves. Despite the fact that they do not belong to anyone, but are sources and conditions with their own inherent character traits. Which were once seen in nature as the background qualities we related to that governed it from within, just as they were also seen as the forces behind and controlling our sky and the cosmos beyond, while also forming part of the qualities we now personify of them and see in ourselves as we unite their original psychic context with our own experiences of them as properies that belong not only to ourselves but also to all beings. Because living close to nature is always a personal psychic experience. And by close to nature I mean the union we experience in that something within us that is also at the same time something outside of us, and vice versa. Something to pay attention to that affects us both from within and from the without, and be open to the way our inner whole chooses to reveal itself to us in its parts. However, it is only in seclusion and in the calm meditative self-observation we experience in Rádienáhttje’s immediate proximity that we are first able to discover the inspiring quality he constitutes behind everything and experience the whole which they form together.