psychic excitement entices us to undertake our journey

I think the dualism we find in ancient Egypt between the function of Maat and Isfet gives a good picture of the existence and practical importence of psychic tension within us. Of awareness, observation and the passings of impressions. Between the origin of inspiration and its transformation within the soul, our psyche as its vessel. A kind of union within us. It assumes that everything is cyclical. All that is arises and then passes away. The disappearance of consciousness as day becomes night, and the unknown as the unconscious underworld which turns into day again. Life becomes a series of transitions and a journey back and forth, both psychically as we enter its timeless world and as we return with renewed insights into what this inner activity means, with bodily death being the ultimate aspect of that journey but one that we do not physichly return from. To cope with it, we must purify ourselves and find the right mind. We must be in balance, and we must be able to perceive the celestial order here on earth before we can enter our inner realm. Which is not possible with our physical body. We have to expose ourselves to the long drawn-out process of inner transformation and familiarize ourselves with the forces acting on our minds from there. If we only experience disharmony, mental disorder, and the primal chaos that surrounds it, we cannot make any transition to it. We will only be overwhelmed by the powers of the preconscious within us and become swallowed by them. We must have found and developed our self meditative state and psychic balance through these cycles of light and dark, our conscious perceptions and what arises beyond it, connected to how we live our daily lives and practice our relationship to this inner order first. Which makes me consider this initiation, the psychic journey it entails as something which contained a series of encounters and inner trials with different aspects or forms of it. Not as something unapproachable, bound by our temporal references to them, but as living realities with a certain psychic content of energy that we can assimilate through how we approach and transform their influence on us. Which we are involved in on several levels, which the movement of consciousness in various forms puts us in touch with beyond our ego’s comprehension, but we also find depicted in the journey of the sun where it is swallowed by the night and in the unknown is confronted with its underlying trials in the meeting with the forces that act on us from there before it arises again and makes his reformed entry into the world again with a strengthened self-worth as a renewed being, always followed by maat. This journey into the world of psyche, the underworld is also described as being swallowed up by the celestial darkness of night rendered and personified as a function of Nut whose body clothed in stars is the one we get swallowed by and pass through to be reborn by her every morning, during psychic reflection and when we die. However, we must not forget that it is their psychic functions, and that it is our inner experience of the interaction with them that is important, not their figurative representation. But their figurative content is useful to have as a reference when we try to share our experience of the functions they hold. Because what matters is the balance of the mind, our self-meditative state, not the term or label we put on it.