It is a blending of the physical and the spiritual

An aspect of this our inner union of insight, guidance, inspiration, and its vessel and embodiment could be expressed in the celestial wedding of Rádienáhttje and Rádienáhkká where the psychological experience of this takes place both below and at the same time above the personal sphere mediated through Radiengieddte and Radienniejta, as psyche and spirit. As they are our personal connections to the ’heavenly’ realm as mediators of nature as soul, its interior and its chaordic center. Its vessel, energy and information as both its primordial embodiment and spirit. Together they constitute the original family from which all others derive their energy and underlying content in relation to our inner parent couple and the experiences we provide them with. They are always with us and furnish our lives with the content that arranges it, constitutes its inner framework and determines its conditions, instructed as they are by our psychic primordials counsel in spirit and meaning. They are always directly involved in our lives and provide us with information and guidance in a way that we cannot always perceive on a conscious level.