my psychic reality have a powerful counter-will of its own

There exists this overwhelmingly intense source of energy that we relate to within us as something incredibly burdensome to our senses. It can create such pressure on us that if we take on its influence as if it were something we created, it crushes us. We will perish from its colossal weight upon us. Of the anxiety and confusion it initially creates when we have become psychologically mature enough to perceive it. The most natural thing, of course, is that we try to get rid of it. But without receiving guidance and being able to recognize it for what it is in relation to us, we make it something we don’t want to know about in ourselves, in others, for them to face for us so that we can avoid it in ourselves. So we blame someone else for all the raw and onerous psychic energy that it reminds us of, of our own relationship with what it is within ourselves and what we can’t deal with yet. All that then becomes an undesirable agony in relation to what it means for our relationship to our psyche, and an opposite to how we instead choose to see ourselves when we interact with that which we like to be in our mass-mindedness with others when we reject the humility this indomitable force working within us seeks to enlighten us with. We stand at a crossroad of moral obligation to find a way to come to terms with the influence of this primordial dark psychic force within us. Our world depends on it. If we don’t find a way to acknowledge its influence as something real from our psychic world, the resistance we and others have to it will then instead spread around us in a way that makes both us and others reluctant recipients of it, because our only contact with what it is is then only obtained by blaming it on others so we can escape from it, escape from its terrible weight, and the intense sufferings built up within us by the overwhelming sense of anxiety this creates. In the end, however, it always catches up with us. Be it through disease, medication, alcohol or drugs. Destruction of our nature, polluted air, water shortages and environmental disasters. Or us just becoming odd and deviant from the generally accepted way of being and path in life. It is always about this something we reject from our psychic world, from that which we can only experience, what we almost cannot describe. Which we cannot reach by rational means. But only with derivations to similar experiences. By psychic reflection and with concepts and a symbolism that still contains psychic energy, which give insight, meaning and authenticity in down-to-earth personally contexts.