the background of our consciousness is nature

A small number of people throughout the ages have taught themselves, and then others, the importance of not being distracted or distracting others in a way that causes us to lose the presence of our inner coherent experience of an outer all-encompassing whole. Of their co-existence within us. Where I also see similarities in the depiction and portraying of our inner experiences between both the maiden Rádien Niejta in her relationship with Rádienáhkká, as with Kore in hers with Demeter. Like Kore, Radien Niejta has another aspect that deals with her role as the one who opens us up to our objective psychic qualities. Part of this is the potential that lies dormant in Jáhbmeaimo, underneath the life of our personal outer world. When she opens us up to this in the role of Saivo Niejta, we often see it as ending up in a darkness, in the underworld. An unknown potential other, where our usual way of functioning is no longer useful. We have to adapt and change, and trust her to get us out of there. If we completely ignore her, we will experience the avenging and suffocating power of Jahbmeáhkká, and ultimately end up unprepared and without her assistance even deeper into the objective psyche, into Ruohtta. In to the sense of the maddening experience of despair and shere meaninglessness, in total hopelessness. From which few return. He is not a demon, or a devil of some kind, but an objective inner part of our psyche that carries the inhuman pressure we feel of being drained of all lifes energy. Of having a sense of being inadequate, separated from the all-encompassing whole. The experience of feeling rejected for who we are, in ourselves independently of social norms and conventions. He is the one who brings that energy back to its original source. She is the maturing individual maiden psyche in relation to the universal self-organizing source of wisdom that is life within as it is, and the experience of a wholeness this constitutes with Mother Earth. And that this also means that we will have to go through intense and difficult inner trials to learn not to lose the psychological equanimity it rests on. As children we are it, and we are identical with all that appears in it. Whether they arise from within or from without. But regardless of where they come from, they arise against a background of being with impressions that act within the experience of a larger whole. If we are deprived of it, through its distortion by those who exercise their influence over us, then our own basic cognitive ability is similarly destroyed together with the relationship it forms to ourselves, to others and the world around us. We will neither be able to see ourselves nor others against the background of the psychic balance of mind that this belonging implies. We will make our fragmented impressions into those of others without being able to distinguish their psychic experiences from our own, since our own experience of the greater whole is not separated from theirs in a way that makes what appears in it belong to ourselves independent of others’ experiences in it. We make our own inner division and anxiety that of others and demand a self-control from them that we cannot maintain in ourselves, and that relate not to how we and others are but to how they should be. We then exaggerate a far too general way of looking at ourselves, our mental and physical conditions, with perfectionistic ideals that make us inhuman and which do not belong to life itself. Or to our own individual conditions and the qualities they provide for us. We end up everywhere in everything, and everyone around us. Not knowing where our experiences end and others’ begin. We only experience confusion there along with our inner person. Instead, against the background of our relationship to the experience of this whole, and in equinimity, develop it in a deep community and true belonging to both it, and its relationship to our family in the environment in which we are located. Something that nothing in what we do with our current societies can provide our inner person with, before we get into it in ourselves, and do not distract in others. As mature human beings, we should first relieve others of the burden of portraying objective psychic qualities we possess and interact with within ourselves, by being reliable examples of a coexistence with the all-encompassing whole, before others can do so for themselves. Everyone goes through it in their own way, trying to find the language, words and terms that best describe our own experiences. Although no description is our experience in itself. Sometimes it may even already be at hand without us knowing we had it within us. But it always manifests itself to us because we trust and follow the guidance that comes to us from our objective psyche as we begin to observe and interact with the influence it has on us.