the essence of meditation

Being is the great vessel, the great mother, existence as the pure unspoiled experience of life as a single fundamental and cohesive psychic whole. The soul of the world. We use breath to access her essence. To observe. Not a jerky, intentional, forced, short or held breath. Just the natural calm breathing. In peace and in a gentle balance of mind we become her. Our body becomes hers and we share it with all life as we are made of the same raw material. Our breathing is our participation with her. In all her aspects. When we breathe her in, we become part of her and she is reshaped. She becomes soul and experience. Our part of her transformed into psychic reflection, and into the tangible in the presence of its inner center as part of us too. The transcendent source that exists within us as a self-organizing and ordering union of all opposites in her unification with its guiding principle. Pure nature in its entirety as the determining factor in everything everywhere. As conveyed to us by our inner person and the part of her of which we are composed. In it she also becomes the daughter, the one who is one with her elated sense of existence and becomes euphoric and enraptured, who is always fully occupied with earthly and simple joys. Innocent, inexperienced and genuine. But also full of idealistic and perfectionist ideals. A feeling of doing what is right, to be in harmony, in balance of mind with what is. In the unspoiled and true. The inviolable balancing between that which is present in her, as our participation in nature as the influence of the great mother’s spiritual maturity is upon us, through the daughter, the personal psychic entity, or soul, and the creation and constant returns of the greater whole. For better or worse. On life and death, in the constant change of everything. Seen from the perspective of a growing psychic maturity in the encounter that occurs between them in the ongoing maturation process we embody through them as we return to our childhood with beingness as experiences of an inner kind. Something we can do with conscious intention by paying attention to our breathing in meditation, and participating in the psychic processes that follow from its calming effect on our senses. We do it whether we are aware of it or not. It’s always about our mental health. About not constantly transferring what is in ourselves in an intrusive way onto others, and deprive others of experiences that accrue to them on their own personal terms. To find equanimity and trust in the psychic interaction that follows from an uncorrupted experience of existence and its influence on us. It becomes a way of relieving our surroundings of our own relation to them and directing the suprapersonal energy back to its original source, rejecting what does not belong to it. To stage them for ourselves in a way that allows us to relate to them in our own personal way.